Exclusive Oolong tea

Amber Oolong

The overwhelming honey-and-prunes flavour in this complex, amber-coloured oolong is the result of an expertly-rolled and roasted tea leaf.
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  1. Hoeveelheid: 50 grams, 8 grams
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Amber Oolong Tea

This expertly rolled and roasted oolong from the Nantou region of Taiwan takes its name from the wonderful amber-coloured infusion. Just like the Empress Guei-Fei Oolong, its leaves are rolled into little balls. This tea derives its complexity from roasting. The infusion presents itself with a stunning, sweet flavour of honey and prunes. The almost syrupy mouth feel and the delicious, sweet taste linger for long; not only in the mouth, but also in one’s throat. In later infusions subtle, spicy flavours emerge. A delicious ‘comfort drink’ on a chilly, rainy afternoon, but also as ice tea on a hot summer day.

High quality loose leaf tea direct from the teafarm

Amber Oolong

The origin

Amber Oolong Tea

Amber Oolong tea is mainly produced in the central mountainous area of Nantou. The tea plants of the Ginshuen and Chin-Shin varieties that are used for the Amber Oolong grow at 1200 to 1800 meter altitude and are harvested throughout the year. In the Tian Bao Xiang tea factory Tea Master Hsieh supervises the processing, aimed at bringing out the complex, sweet, fruity and toasty aromas. Immediately after being plucked by hand the leaves are withered outside and then inside and acquire the shape of little balls after being rolled for hours in a machine. Subsequently the little balls are being fried, dried and finally roasted several times.

  • Picking moment
    Whole year
  • Oxidation level
  • Caffeine level

Tian Bao Xiang Tea Factory, Nantou, Taiwan
1200-1800 m

What do you see?

Red, brown colored tightly rolled tiny balls with an amber infusion

What do you smell?

At first mostly flowers, later a more fruit and a wonderful smell of freshly baked cookies emerges

What are you tasting?

Sweet, fruity with a minty freshness and full buttery mouthfeel


Water hardness

Prepare your tea with soft water for your perfect cup of tea.

Storage advice

Store this tea in an airtight container in a cool, dark and dry place. The taste may change slightly after a year.

Western brewing advice

180 ml 2 gr
500 ml6 gr
2 min

Eastern brewing advice

80-130 ml3 gr
90 sec
2 reinfusions

Amber Oolong

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